Newstrike is currently working on their "Ana Paula" project located in the historic Guerro Gold Belt (GGB) in Mexico. They acquired this property in july 2010 from GoldCorp. The GGB currently holds 15+ million NI-43-101 compliant oz Au. This includes Goldcorps Los Filos mine with 11.5 million oz Au to date and Torex Golds' Limon property which currently sits at 5 million ounces and growing, both of which lie in the immediate vicinity of Newstrikes two large properties Aurea Norte (which includes the Ana Paula project) and Aurea Sur.

Aurea Norte
Most of the high grade mineralization has been found on this 59,600 hectare property, and more specifically within the boundaries of the Ana Paula project. A decent amount of drilling has been conducted on the Ana Paula project and the results have been quite impressive.
A few highlights from 2011, 2012..
-April 20 2011, 230.95 m of 7.51 g/t Au
-June 16 2011, 112.9 m 2.51 g/t Au
-June 27 2011, 190.15 m of 3.52 g/t Au and 116 m of 4.71 g/t Au
-August 3 2011, 120 m of 4.6 g/t Au
-September 20 2011, 119.6 m of 3.76 g/t Au and 88.82 m of 2.58 g/t Au
-November 23 2011, 135.5 m 5.57 g/t Au and 75.3 m of 4.4 Au
-March 14 2012, 175 m of 3.07 g/t Au
-April 19 2012, 81.45 m of 2.19 g/t Au
-June 18 2012, 102 m of 1.22 g/t Au
-August 1 2012, 103.11 m of 5.06 g/t Au
I really like the results that have been coming out of the Ana Paula project. Its important to note that they have a $15 million exploration budget for 2012, an NI 43-101 report, environmental permitting, and a total of 41,500 m of drilling completed. NES believes the results so far indicates high potential for significant bulk tonnage.
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